Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Twins' First Stroll

sapa kata sronok jadi center of attention??? having twins, as expected will definitely caught people's eyes.. I find it fun for the first month, layan people asking about the twins, (i.e laki ke pompuan? satu uri ke dua? caesar ke normal? expected ke tak? ada family history ke tak?) but not anymore.. even hubby whom once enjoyed the attention (more than me) has now grumbled about it..

last week, the twins had their first stroll at jusco.. luckily we have a stroller already (hadiah from k.kmar and a.mokh.. thanks a bunch!!!).. we bumped with a couple with a newborn twins and they carry their twins in car seats..!!! i should be grateful...

babies behaved well, see how thirsty was nijad, he actually grabbed the bottle from babah's hand and it sticked on his mouth (tetiba je pandai plak pegang botol susu).. naim, nangis tu coz he was already sleepy.. tu yg jadi twins x sama size dlm stroller tu.. the best thing about this stroller...kalau naim tido, x yah dukung dah.. dukung baby jer.. ringan sikit..

from the first experience strolling ard with twins and naim... we found that..
  1. susah nak shopping.. stroller takleh masuk celah2 jalan sempit
  2. when both babies cry, both of us have to dukung the babies.. so, who gonna take care of naim and push the stroller.. end up, we had to walk and stop, walk and stop, walk and stop.. everytime they cry..
  3. susah nak bagi susu... if one is up, is still ok.. but what if both in the same time?
  4. babies sat2 berak.. buang masa kat toilet jer
  5. kalau nak singgah smayang mcm mana? heeeee.. cant imagine hubby jaga 3 kids while i pray.. sure havoc
  6. with naim, twins, stroller and the above issues, jangan harap la nak amik troley plak.. tak tercontrol..
  7. finally, we had caused a long que at the parking area.. coz we took a long time to transfer the babies from stroller to the car seat (with naim tido somemore, make it worst) while a car waiting for us to leave
so i asked hubby "what do you think.. was it fun, or was it not?" a simple reply "it is tiring"..

together with us was una, fadhil and their little daughter, sofea.. (najya has a little bit resemblance of una, her aunt)... sofea, the manja girl is adorable... sofea ni tak mau ngan orang lain.. her mom has to resign from work for her.. kesian mama.. ehhehe... mama yg manjakan kot, kan? hihihi.. teringat fadhil babling about una buying sofea's clothes every week... hiiii...

back from ipoh, naim had his 3rd haircut with ummi.. hehehe... becoming pro now.. see his sweet smile.. we used to go to great eastern mall for his haircut.. and it cost 20 bucks!!! i decided to cut it myself and see, not so much difference with what the barber can offer.. somemore, i get smiles from naim, and the barber got cries and screams from him.. i'm proud of myself.. (giler!!...heheh)

Ya Allah, jauhkan la anakku dari perkara2 yg x diingini...

Nijad had his first check up with Dr Jazilah (pediatric nefrologist specialist) in Hospital Selayang) today.. we were briefed of the possible conditions that he might have.. in layman's terms, this is how it sounds (and the sketch is from what i can recall during her explanation just now)..

well, our kidney is supposed to filter and clean our blood before it returns back the blood to our body.. the waste are called urine and is supposed to be passed to the bladder.. 3 normal kidney problems are; non-functional, obstruction and reflux.. till now, nijad has gone through 2 ultrasounds and a DTPA scan.. the results shows that both his kidneys are doing its jobs, but some of the urine somehow is retained in the left kidney.. causing urine dilation and the size is graded as L (it should only be at a size of 4cm) so, doctor suspects that there is an obstruction along the path.. but there are also a possibilities of reflux (which we are afraid of) where the valve to the bladder is open and allows the urine to return back to the kidney.. this will cause infection (can cause sawan, demam and etc).. only an MCU test can proof if there is no reflux..

We really hope that no surgery is necessary.. hoping tt the valve is in place and good, hoping for the obstruction to lose by itself as he grows.. hoping that he will not get sick, hoping that Allah will spare an eye on him..

Well, after Nijad's check up was my post natal check up.. i thought that Dr Seri was just gonna check the wound.. instead, she also asked about our plans for the next baby (advance & effective as usual).. we were of course not prepared for the question and have not discussed our contraception plans.. anyway.. Dr Seri briefed us of the options that we had... (guide for other mommies out there as well)

  1. Combined pills (21 days/7 days off, effect breastfeeding, 98% success)
  2. IUD (98% success, breastfeeding ok, cheap, painless)
  3. Injection (3 monthly, breastfeeding ok)
  4. condoms/diaphragm/ vaginal caps (no guarantee, 75% only kalau nak rate pun)
  5. rod implant (3 yearly, breastfeeding ok, 98% success)
  6. Progestion pills (31 days, breastfeeding ok, 98% success)
  7. Natural methods

Well.. without wasting any time, we had decided to go for IUD, and to my surprise it was really painless and considered cheap (37 hingget jer).. some more, no need to watch for the time to take pills or anything.. can just take the IUD out when we plan for the next pregnancy..

p/s: should i, or should i not, share this.. well, i dont see any harm sharing..)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Prison Break!!!!!!

Finally.. i'm out of my confinement!!! yeahhh!!! biasanya org berpantang 44 hari.. ni 40 hari dah mcm cacing kepanasan nak kuar jalan2.. hehheh... cukup jer 40 hari ktrg balik ipoh bawak babies smer (masa naim dulu, hari ke 30 dah jalan alamanda.. hohoh). Berpantang kali ni, buat aku sedar betapa banyaknye pantang larang yg kadang2 contradict to each other.. contohnya:
  1. org melayu kata takleh makan ayam.. pantang style india, cina... sup ayam tu la yang bagus
  2. org selangor kata ikan kembung bisa... org kedah, hari2 dibantainyer ikan kembung..
  3. org ganu kata, makan goreng2 takleh.. ikan tu.. dibakar jer hari2.. sorry beb, aku sumer bende goreng aku telan asal tak gatal.. (hehhe.. jangan marah ye sha)
  4. org tua2 kata, takleh minum banyak air..air disukat2.. Doc kata, minum banyak2.. kalau tak mcm mana nak menyusu baby?
  5. ada org kata, kalau caesar, seminggu pertama tu takleh mandi.. aku kat spital, hr pertama, Doc dah suh nurse bwk aku gi mandi...
hishh..mcm2 la.. penin... anyway.. spnjg tempoh berpantang ni. nothing much tt i can do..bergerak byk x leh la katakan.. tide up dgn babies lagi.. so hari2 pun buat bende yg sama... routine aku hari2 bih kuang mcm ni la ..
  • 8.00 am : bgn mandi air daun serai wangi (sampai 40 hari), siap2, bengkung, sapu ubat bagai..
  • 9.00 am : siapkan babies for bath.. makcik besah mandikan.. (makcik ni la yg besarkan aku dulu, skang dia jaga anak aku plak)... settle nyolek twins, bg susu, derang tido.. masa ni breakfast la ala2 kadar, sambil tu tgk citer Rafflesia... makcik pun layan, smpi lari timing memasak dia... hehehe
  • 10.00 am: Rafflesia habis.. sambung tgk CSI
  • 11.00 am: CSI abis.. sambung tgk True Hollywood Stories / Amazing Race
  • 12.00 pm: lunch time & susu time.. klu ada citer best smbg lg.. klu xder msk blk layan tido ngan babies... zzzzzzzzzz... nikmatnyer tido lps berjaga di tgh mlm..
  • 2.00 pm: mak balik skolah... mak msk bilik jenguk babies and solat kat bilik aku dan biasanya babies la alasannya solat lewat.. haahah.. "jgn la tengok tok, tok nak solat... " kata mak (padahal babies bukan bukak mata pun).. time ni, aku samada sambung tido or layan tenet.. heee
  • 3.00 pm: susu time
  • 6.00 pm: naim balik.. ngan amiir, atam & dak de.. (bermula la episod.."ummi, nak susu" yg berkali2 tak kenal kenyang).. and both would go like.. "NAK TGK NAM SATU NAM!!! (channel 616 cartoon network feveret both of them) .. dah takder can nak tgk citer matahari.. susu time again
  • 8.00 pm: dinner
  • 10.00 pm: basuh botol2 susu anak2 (sorang 2), bg nijad makan antibiotics (tkt jangkitan kuman bcoz of his kidney problem), check pampers babies.. bukak tv naim kat bilik, ajak dia tdo bilik.. (x minat sgt dia tdo ngan atam or acik2 dia yg lain.. kang asik nak tido ngan atam jer... jeles la i..sian gak kat atam..)
  • 12.00 am: susu time (biasa sejam lebih gak la nak settle both menyusu)
  • 3.00 am: susu time lagi
  • 6.00 am: susu time lagi
  • 8.00 am: bangun the next morning

untuk merealisasikan rutin harian ni.. ada la beberapa item yang menjadi teman baik.. spectra 3 breastpump & rechargeable hot water bag (pinjam dr along), steriliser (hadiah dr kak oya.. tq, it helps a lot), nursing pillow (hadiah fr lydia..w/out it tak bisa gue menyusukan both serentak), maxis broadband & laptop (pemberian hubby) and handphone... (masa ni la aku start menjinakkan diri dgn facebook & blog.. bukan jinak lagi.. addicted some more.. geleng kepala laki aku)... tp sib baik dia paham.. aku boring. apa lagi blh buat.. and dia plak, to my surprise.. dah mula rajin buat susu naim, basuh berak naim & distract naim dari mengacau ummi... heee.. thanks abang.. keep it up.. (jgn keep it down tau!!!)

selain tu.. bouncer & car seat yg hubby beli pun sgt berguna.. stroller jer tak try lagi (stroller dipresentkan oleh k.kmar & hubby)... tak sabar nak stroll ard ngan twins nih.. heheh..

tak lupa.. makanan yang banyak membantu process of healing.. ikan haruan masak singgang, sayur sawi air/goreng.. limau sunkist, pati ikan haruan, gamogen, madu herba...

kepada sume pihak yang membantu saya sepanjang carrier saya sebagai pemantang.. mak, abah, hubby, makcik, adik2, kakak2, kawan2... tak lupa tv3, crew2 production, astro dan juga berita harian yang menganjurkan anugerah pompuan merepek ni.. apa aku merepek ni.. terima kasih atas sokongan dan bantuan kalian.. without kalian, luka jahitan ni takkan baik2 smpi skang.. heeheheh

Monday, May 18, 2009

Its time to work out!!!

I just came back from hospital today.. went to check the wound.. there are infections along the stitches and thank god it is only superficial.. but still, it hurts.. pedih and bengkak.. well, that is not my point here.. alang2 check tu.. pergila timbang berat badan.. i am back to my original weight, XX kg!!! (hehhe... am not gonna let u know.. :p).. but still i dont feel confortable with my weight now.. still have to lose some more..

so, my plan is:
1) lari on treadmill at least 30 min a day
2) swimming at least twice a month
3) of course breastfeeding, though tak dapat exclusively..
4) healthy diet

arhh.. cukup la tu.. porfoyor plak.. anyway.. for the above purpose, this will help.. heheh.. look at the size.. heeee...ok la tu, for mommy of 3.. JanGanla GelaK!!!!$#$#@

well.. cakap pasal swimming ni.. teringat kat naim, how he enjoys mandi pool soooo much.. and that made me bought the suit..

this was at Port Dickson.. resort apa nth.. cant recall.. see how he enjoyed it..

Sunday, May 17, 2009


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seronoknyer memikirkan raya dah dekat.. and this time.. our raya wont be the same as the previous 2 years anymore.. we will be celebrating raya with our new additions.. nijad and najya.. hmm.. let me see.. what would be the theme this year? Raya 2007, we were all in red.. raya 2008, in blue.. raya 2009.. hmm.. what is the color of the year??? anyone????

p/s: poser tak ganti lagi dah sibuk cakap pasal raya!!

My Little Star

"naim.. jangan nakal2 yer.. naim dah ada adik.. 2 lagi tuh... naim kan sayang adik, ummi & babah.. "
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Selamat Hari Ibu

sempena hari ibu yang baru jer lepas ni, terasa je mcm nak tunjukkan pada kaum adam dan anak2... a caesarian procedure.. how a baby is brought out from mommy's womb.. it brings thousands of keinsafan to me when i watched it.. the skin was slashed, the flesh was cut.. dont know how many times, until they see the muscle, then the muscle was ripped off and finally the womb... perghh.. and now, with the wound still hurts (after 37 days having c-section) i would say, this is a big sacrifice mommy would do for her child and it should be remembered.. (alaaa..x dapek plak nk upload video!!!!!)

I might not be good in expressing my feelings.. but truly.. I love mak so much, no words can tell the same.. she will be there when i need her, she cares, loves and understands me.. even till now when i am already a mom to her grandchild... am hoping someday i can afford to provide her whatever she desires instead of me being so much dependent on her..

Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.

-from sharifah hanisah bilfagih's facebook-

p/s : right now, i feel like hugging mak & abah.. isk,isk,isk..

Friday, May 8, 2009


esok, genap sebulan umur babies..hmm.. x sempat pun nak fully breastfeed babies.. balik dari hospital, ingatkan susu badan cukup, tak la beli susu tepung.. malam tu breakdown.. dua2 menangis nak susu, dok gilir2 menyusu ajer tapi tak kenyang2..(agaknya isap kosong-susu takde) sepanjang malam tak tido.. smpi bagi susu dua2 skali serentak.. dah tak larat bongkok2 bagi susu duduk, baring, tak larat baring, mengiring terus, dah tak kira sakit perut lagi dah.. sib baik hubby ada take turn bila tak larat.. esoknye suap susu formula. baru lena tidor..

citer pasal bersalin ni, plannya nak bersalin normal, week 37+..dr induce pagi tu, dah gone thru contraction separuh jalan, x tahan mintak epidural.. dalam pkl 5 dr pecah air ketuban, konon nak menyambut baby dah la.. rasa2 rupanya baby punye kepala senget sikit.. dr bleh rasa telinga & pipi instead of kepala dia.. terus tolak OT.. tetiba epidural plak tak jalan.. terus GA, pengsan terus, bukak2 mata, baby dah kuar.. berat najya (kakak) 2.16, nijad (adik) plak 2.22.. masuk incubator sehari jer,sbb tak la kecik sangat2..uri 2, so tak share makanan, tu yg berat agak sekata..

Dalam family ktrg (both side) takder kembar, jenuh carik dah.. jangan kata adik beradik/pakcik makcik..sepupu2 pun takder.. so, family agak shocked la dgn berita twin pregnancy ni.. tatau what to expect..tapi alhamdulillah, babies tak meragam, baikkk jer.. nangis pun time nak susu ajer.. nijad ada problem sikit dgn kidney dia sebelah.. kidney dia blocked.. monday ni check-up, x ray skali.. kalau tak bukak jugak, most prob kena operate..

hr tu gi klinik, check jahitan, sbb tetiba dia bengkak and kuar air+darah+nanah.. dr poke sikit kasi berlubang.. kuarkan nanah2 tu sumer and benang yg tak dissolve.. and kasi ubat suh sapu.. tu jer la pun yang buat rasa stress sikit dalam pantang ni.. sbb jahitan lambat baik...hmm.. berat... tak dan nak pk lagi.. tapi perut mmg lambat kempes eh? nak buat mcm mana ntah.. masa bersalin kat naim (abang) tak la sbesar ni rasanya..