Finally (blum start cite dah finally) we reach home safely from kelantan.. it was really a hard decision to make whether or not to join the rombongan kawin hilmi.. not that we felt that it was not important, but nijad's wound was not really healed yet.. there was infection (x bernanah, tp the cut x rapat.. and benang boleh ditarik kluar.. imagine pulling out 3cm of benang putih from the wound, panik skjp..) .. somemore with the "very bad" wheather (hujan and banjir all over terengganu kelantan) made us worried.. mak and along pun did not really recommend us to go considering long drive with kids and the babies' condition.. well most importantly, i really enjoyed it and i would have regret if i didnt go... thanks abang for bearing with me "nak pergi, x nak pergi" thing.. and supportingly helped me pack things (kelam kabutly) when mak suddenly approved us going.. ok..malas la nak story morry about the journey to kelantan.. cause all has been covered by Myzwar in &
So, this time, let us make up some story out of the pics..
tgk muka nijad & najya- boring betul dia...
Najya: " AlaOmmie, boring ... apa kita nak buat raya haji ni.. "
Nijad: "betul3x.. asik2 dukung, walker, buaian, makan, tidor..
pastu bekk.. bila la derang nak bwk kita jalan2 ni?"
Haaa!! Naim seems to have an idea...
Naim: "let's go to the beach!!!!!"
Naim: "let's go to the beach!!!!!"
(Amiir tu... marah kat sapa tu??)
naim: "cepatla ommie!!!! babah!!!!, ktrg dah siap ni!"
najya: masih dgn muka boring dia
ebah: control cun (mana la tau ada mana2
pakwe hensem baca blog kak an...hik)
the 'N' family from behind
fauziah nawi: "naper tale bontot kat audience!!!!!"
(nijad dgn najya syok je tgk ombak)
the 'N' family bidding goodbye to the seaOmmie: cayang girl ommie ni.. baik betol!!!
(najya masih dgn muka boring dia..)
babah: gomol jgn x gomol..